Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Make Over Time!!!

So I’m a normal SAHM who doesn’t get dressed up often, constantly on the go with family & kids activities. So when my friend Buffy announced she was doing makeovers I knew I needed to let her work her magic! She is awesome & I LOVE the results!

She took me from this:


To this:

DSC_0014 copy

Want to see my complete makeover process?

You can check it out over at




Monday, April 11, 2011

Locks of Love

Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. (from locks of love website)

Three weeks ago my sweet Chloie decided to donate 10 inches of her hair to Locks of Love.

For those of you that know her know how she loved her long hair! When she was 3 she told us she had to have long hair like Ariel (Little Mermaid her fav disney princess). At age 5 it was i want my hair long like Taylor Swift's (her fav country singer). So now she is 7 & decided over spring break she wanted to do something to help someone. So she decided to cut her hair and donate it. I was very shocked when she first told me because i thought she would never part with her long hair. I am so proud of Chloie! 

Here are a few pictures Before, During & After her haircut:





Have You Pinned Today?

I Love Pinterest!
  It’s a great way to organize things, and it’s so dang easy. Pinterest has expanded my blog-exploring, and I like being able to post & show you some of my favs that i have pinned!
Need an invite to Pinterest? Let me know i'll send ya one!

These are two of my boards i am using alot right now while planning Miss Claire's bday!