Ok i'm taking Julie's advice and decorating downstairs first. With that being said help me decide what to do w/the entry way.
This is currently how it looks
Should the table be moved over like this move the mirror over the table and then put pictures and other things around it?
This is the other side of the entryway. What would you do here?

ok, i have tons to say! be back on later tonight!
I say move the mirror somewhere else and put the table under those pictures. Maybe add a hat rack or umbrella stand or even an ivy on a stand.
As for the red wall, I'd find a really long iron piece to hang on the right side of the door.
Ok, just some thoughts! The red wall could be all different kind, shape and sized black frames with pictures. Just fill it up! Great conversation starter as guests walk in and out. or fill the red wall with crosses!
Jenny is right, add a coat rack on the entry wall, or a plant, or buy some hooks and a bench and make an "entry" way area. Those pics and that mirror are too small for that wall, it dwarfs them. Until you can get soemthing new, move those pics off that wall and center the table and mirror and add a tall lamp or something.
HI! It was so nice to meet you in person last week ;-) Here are some wall thingy's-http://baytown.uppercaseliving.net
They really brighten up a space!!
AND totally customizable!
Hi, Crystal. Thanks for visiting. :) I will be offering another Decorating Dilemmas Party, next month or possibly early March. If you Follow my blog (not a plug, I swear!), you'll see the reminder posts that I'll do as the party gets closer. :)
I like the table placement in Photo #1. Maybe find a nice large basket to put under the photos to use as storage for stray hats, purses, bags, etc.
Head to TJ Maxx or Marshalls and look for some neat accessories you could hang on the red wall--maybe a monogram or a tall vinyl wall decal?
Hi Crystal!
What a cute blog you have!Here's my 2 cents, I think you should leave the table and the mirror where they are on the far side of the way away from the door. I would move the pictures that are closer to the door somewhere else and it sounded like you have a coat rack? I would put that on the other side of the table and mirror on the side where the door is.
On the red wall, I would get 4 pretty large frames, I would take pictures of each of your children, one of your family and one of you and your husband. I would have them printed in black and white and put them in the frames. I would hang the first frame even to the top of the door, and space them out down the wall so they are the length of the door. White frames. Something else that might be cute is taking scrapbook paper that is a print with red in it and decoupaging it over the mat on the pictures. That would bring the red in from the wall and the white frames would look nice next to the white door frame.
Someone else said that maybe you could use vinyl lettering. I think that would be really cute. It looks like your ceiling in the entryway is quite tall. It might look nice to have some vinyl lettering cut to go above the mirror on the white wall. That would bring the eye up to the tall ceiling. And it would look good to have some chunkier accessories on the table and some red would look great on there to tie the two areas together. Maybe some chunky red candlesticks. Or a decorative birdcage that you could paint red. I find a lot of good things at TJ Maxx.
I can't wait to see what you do! It is going to be so cute!
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