Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Back to Blogging

7 months of no blogging! Wow life has been crazy. But I'm gonna try to get back in the groove of blogging again! Now in case you wondering what's been going on here ya go.
My husband has been working out of state for a year now. He comes home every other month & we have gotten to go see him. At first it was hard but we have gotten into a routine and it's getting easier.

We are so ready for fall here in TX. Ready for cooler temps, fall scents, fall colors, pumpkins & football games. This fall will be a little different because after being a SAHM for 8 1/2 years I'm going back to work as a Teachers Aide at a private preschool! I'm so excited & a little nervous!

School is just 12 days away and Meet the teacher is 8 days away! So get ready for some back to school blogs!

~ Crystal


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