Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Moms Night Out

I have to blog about some great friends. Chloie and i have been apart of a playgroup for a few years now. There are a great group of moms and kids. Once a month the moms get together for dinner or a movie and it's lots of fun. Last night was my last MNO for a few months because Miss Claire will be her e in a few weeks. So last night was special to me and I'm glad i went.

We went to a restaurant in Kingwood called Zammittis. It was great. Heather did a great job picking the restaurant and I'm so glad she made us reservations to sit outside to eat.

Here are a few pics from last night!

Julie & Jenny

Anna & I

Rebecca & Kristie

Michelle, Heather & I

Thanks for a wonderful eveing out Ladies!


Sarah said...

i'm so glad you went!!! you deserved it for sure :) this group is the best!

Kayce said...

It's so nice that you have a mom's group! I wish I could find a great group of ladies with children around Noah's age. I have a few friends, but all are busy with their own lives and jobs that I don't think they would be intrested.

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful you got out before your baby gets here. Friends are so important!!

Heather said...

I love our group!! And we are so blessed to have been a part of something like this for SO long. Always someone to call - always someone to listen if you are happy or sad.... I am so thankful for you - and for EVERYONE in this picture - and those that aren't. :)