Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday Memories

Today i went with my baby on her Kindergarten Tour!
Here is Miss Chloie.

Where has my baby gone? I can't believe she is 5 and this fall will be going to Kindergarten. The tour was great. We go to see alot of the school. She was excited to go but nervous when we go there. She held on to me and didn't want me to leave her side. I'm so proud of the little girl she has become. I kept reassuring her that she would have fun this fall and that she will be ok. Now i just need to reassure and tell myself I'm going to be ok when she goes that first day. I thought letting go the first day of preschool was rough. I think this is going to be rougher! But like i said we are so proud of her and can't wait to start this new journey of school with her!

For those of you Barbie Lovers/ Collectors did you know today is Barbie's Birthday? I'm posting this with Chloie's post because we stared a tradition the year she was born. Santa brings her a Holiday Barbie every year and she has them still in the boxes.
So Happy Birthday Barbie!


Fun Barbie Facts:
  • The first Barbie cost $3.
  • Today, more than 1 billion Barbie's have been sold
  • The Ken doll was named for Ruth and Elliot Handler's son
  • At first, Barbie was a teenaged fashion model, but she's had over 80 careers since then, from astronaut to a medic in Desert Storm.
  • Barbie's full name is "Barbie Millicent Roberts."
  • Barbie didn't have a belly button until 2000.
  • Two Barbies are sold every second around the world.

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